Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fashion In Film: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's Trailer

Though the book and the movie are vastly different, the essence
of how great this book truly is still is emphasized in both versions
in the sense of the free spirit. Although Truman Capote had in mind
 Marilyn Monroe for the role in who he wanted to portray,
it made sense as to why Audrey Hepburn ended up with the renewed
and fairy tale role. 
But a world filled with complexity, eccentricity, glamour combined
 how did this translate so different from the book? 
Simply through the clothes and the environment of the film,
especially with the elegance of Audrey Hepburn outside of Holly.  The film
did not want capture the dark reality of the characters of the book but
instead it wanted to capture the magic and fantasy of who
Holly Golightly could be through Audrey.  There are moments that reflect
Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's world, and it is only through
the random oddities and funny moments within the film.

The scene where Holly Golightly enters the beginning
of the party scene with a sheet as her dress until she decided to change?

It was both risque, minimal, yet elegant it was emphasizing the elaborate and 
tumultuous world of Holly Golightly in book and film.  Was Truman Capote pleased
with this particular take of his book? Not in the least and it is probably what many
authors go through. But one must admit, if this film did not take the turn 
that it did it probably would not have been so monumental. The party scene is filled
with vibrant decadence and reflection of living in the here and now that we continue to
love today.

For instance, this scene I personally loved:

A watch on the ankle has to be the most out of left field scene
I have ever seen in a film and did I want to wear a watch on my
ankle?  Indeed I did!  This is why the film had so much staying
power to this day.  It really reflected the true spirit of a lively party.
Life can be filled with many out of left field moments, even in how we
encounter style. When we see these wild characters
we learn that they are all making the most of what they

It is a fantastic movie and I would categorize this as my second
favorite Audrey Hepburn film after Funny Face. I am still inspired
by it every time I watch it.  I deeply appreciate the book as well,
and I personally believe the book is ahead of it's times pertaining to the
characters lifestyles and choices.

My Favorite outfits:

My favorite dress!

This scene in particular always makes me laugh!

Hope you enjoyed these outfits as much as I have!


Photo Credit;

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