Monday, March 2, 2015

The Closet App That Changed My Life

There comes a point in someone's life when they realize things need to change and organized for the better, and that point happened in my life! I looked into my closet and there were moments where things will become lost in the abyss of chaos no matter how organized I thought my closet was. I came across an app called "StyleBook" that ended that "I have nothing to wear" mode because of that never ending chaos. 

        Now I can mix and match, and even plan my vacation outfits all on one app, and I am so thankful for the creation of this. Sometimes, fashion ruts happen hey it's normal! Instead of the habit I use to have (which was buy a whole new outfit), I can now use the app to be really creative with what I wear. What I enjoy most about this app is mostly when I decide to go shopping it can help me focus on my needs vs. wants which is so crucial to adding more creativity to a personal wardrobe.  It also helps to promote what needs to be donated as well.

What the app looks like on my phone:

I found this app at the Apple Store (not sure if it is available on Android)

You can add the details of the item and the availability example: laundry, dry clean, in closet, etc.

You can quickly view your closet based on category

Here is the outfit calendar

Do you use the app as well? Has it been helpful to
you?  What is your favorite fashion app?


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