Thursday, July 12, 2012

PARKCHOONMOO Fall/Winter 2012 Collection

Born in Kimje, South Korea, Choonmoo Park
is a woman who knows and understands the style mixed
with contemporary art undeniably.  Designs filled with intricate 
detailing and mesmerizing fabrics, this collection for Fall 2012 is
no surprise of its beauty.  

The collection is filled with avant garde supremacy with colors
such as winter white (For those wondering it is not white, but 
a slightly darker or creamier version of white), taupe, and onyx
black.  Although the colors are very minimal, do not be fooled 
to think that it is just that, quite the opposite when you witness
the movement of each piece and notice the different textured 
fabrics.  To pair furs with silks, or satin with chiffons, the eyes
always tend to be drawn to each dramatic appearance
Choonmoo Park's designs create.

My Personal Favorites:

The Full Collection:

The Official Website of PARKCHOONMOO:

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